Devil May Cry
Released on October 16, 2001 for the Playstation 2, Devil May Cry features fast-paced and furious 3D hack-n-slash gameplay. I've got a confession to make: until Devil May Cry this week, I'd never played through a PS2 game. I've been a Nintendo fanboy since the 80's and only made concessions for SEGA since then...mostly. In 2003, a friend felt sorry for the copy of Chrono Cross that'd been sitting on my shelf for years (when your favorite game of all time gets a sequel, you buy it, console or not), and gave me his old PS One so I could play it. I did, playing through not just Chrono Cross , but a copy of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night he sent me, as well. Those were two damned good video game experiences, but still, I never played through a single other Playstation game. I recently pulled out that old PS One, thinking maybe I'd finally play through another Sony product, only to find the console no longer worked. I decided, instead of replacing it, to j...